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Sunday, 21 October 2012

[GPS] iGO Primo (a.k.a iGo My Way) 2.0 Final Edition 2012 (all resolution)

  • Android v2.2+
  • old iGO my way must be uninstalled before install iGO Primo
  • EMPTY DCIM folder OR dispose images that are not taken with the camera

Release Notes:
iGO primo®, the flagship OEM product in the iGO Navigation range combines simplicity of use with the most recent technological advances in features and functionality.
igo primo 2.0 ANDROID Final Edition 2012 320x240, 400x240, 480x320, 800x480, 854x480, 960x540, 1024x600, 1280x720, 1280x800

  • State-of-the-art intuitive UI
  • Truck features
  • Latest Map Guarantee
  • Connected features
  • Intuitive features
  • Fleet and mobile resource management
  • HD 3D Visual Experience
A. File Apk dan File Data
File apk:
File data (base files, content, license) untuk semua resolusi: directmirror

File tambahan  (branding.zip,data.zip,iGOPrimo v1.1.apk,sys.txt,ui_android,ux) untuk resolusi layar tertentu:
B. File maps + DEM, Buildings semua negara (kumpulan links): directmirror
C. File Audio
D. Proses instalasi
Sebelum instal versi ini disarankan uninstal versi iGO yang sudah ada di HP.
  1. Dowload file apk, file data dan file tambahan sesuai resolusi layar HP Android
  2. Ekstrak dalam satu folder dan beri nama 'iGO", bisa pakai winrar atau 7zip
  3. Download maps dan Audia di bagian B dan C
  4. Copy maps dan Audio ke folder yang sesuai di dalam folder iGO
  5. Copy folder iGO ke dalam SDCard HP
  6. Instal file apk


Pangeran Punk said...

lebih bagusan mana sama papago m9 gan?

risco36 said...

kalo saya sih lebih suka papago...

Anonymous said...

What is the password for Android 4.1.1 file

risco36 said...

There is no password for the file, I have downloaded and extract it without asking me the password. You need to extract using Winrar or 7zip

Anonymous said...

Maaf gan, link downlodnya kok pada ga bisa ya? Gimana Cara donwloadnya? Terima kasih

Unknown said...

Boss, igo primo aku install di LG optimus L9 res 960x540 berjalan baik. Terus aku coba di nexus 4 res 1280x768 katanya gak ada skin yg cocok. Ada cara ngakalinnya? Tq sebelumnya.

risco36 said...

maksudnya dgn file yg sama yg dipake di Optimus L9 dipake di Nexus 4?
Udah nyoba file installer utk resolusi 1280x720?

Unknown said...

Iya boss, pake yg 1280x720. Iseng2 utak-atik data.zipnya diganti yg 960, yg lain tetap, eh malah jalan mulus.

risco36 said...

sip, kadang trick bisa dilakukan hanya dengan mengubah ukuran resolusi di folder dalam installer tsb. ini bs diterapkan jg di Papago...

Anonymous said...

bos, minta map jepang dong, please....

risco36 said...

nyari2 maps jepang belum ketemu. coba install NDrive atau CoPilot dl. NDrive bs langsung download maps dr HP

Unknown said...

link map diatas dah gak aktif. ada link donlut map yg masih aktif?

risco36 said...

mmm... ini mau coba2 atau blm pernah pake app GPS. saya sarangkan pake Papago aja.